Sunshine Week-Related Pieces to Inspire You

By Sarah Bauer

This year, the Minnesota Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists teamed up with the Minnesota Newspaper Association to celebrate Sunshine Week across the state of Minnesota.

Sunshine Week 2015 was last week. An annual event, Sunshine Week calls on journalists to shed light on issues of open government and have conversations with their readers about the importance of open and transparent government, whether that government body is a municipality or a large federal agency.

This year we encouraged local media to look into the increasing amount of public work that is being done by private organizations.

Sunshine week audit by St. Cloud Times:
Stearns contracts for more than 60 services
Editorial: Don’t let technology cloud the sunshine

Pioneer Press editorial:

Minnesota: Balancing freedom and security in our age of technology

Column from the St. Peter Herald:
Go ahead, take closed government personally

Editorial from the Shakopee Valley News:
Keeping public business in the open

Redwood Falls Gazette:
Don Landgren cartoon about Sunshine Week

Star Tribune:
On Sunshine Week, a salute to data sharers

Alexandria Echo Press column:
Celebrate Sunshine Week and your right to know

From the Associated Press:
Sunshine Week spotlights how public is kept in the dark
In e-world, public information disappears despite laws

Send us a link to your Sunshine Week story and we’ll feature it here! Email