Annual Meeting Minutes for June 15, 2009

Society of Professional Journalists
Minnesota Pro Chapter
Annual Chapter Meeting
June 15, 2009
O’Gara’s Bar and Grill: St. Paul, MN
Board members present: Nicole Garrison?Sprenger, president; Scott Theisen, president?elect; Dave Beal, treasurer; Sarah Bauer, secretary; Art Hughes, Amanda Theisen, Jane Kirtley, Karen Lundegaard, Andy Tellijohn, Jeff Achen directors.

I. Reports

II. Election results

a. The results of the 2009 Minnesota Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists board of directors election are as follows:

President – Scott Theisen (29 votes)

President-Elect – Sarah Bauer (34 votes)

Treasurer – Amanda Theisen (34 votes)

Secretary – Jeff Achen (34 votes)

Director – Joan Gilbertson (32 votes)

Director – Karen Lundegaard (22 votes)

Director – Sarah McKenzie (28 votes)

Director – Justin Piehowski (25 votes)

III. Terry Harper Memorial fund:

a. On June 6, 2009, Jane Kirtley moved to donate $200. Art Hughes seconded.
Motion passed: 10 (yes) – 0 (no).

IV. Sending delegates to National Convention:

a. No word on how many delegates we can send to National. Delegation contingent on number of members in chapter. 147 members listed for the MN Pro chapter with National SPJ. Nicole Garrison-Sprenger estimated that the cost per delegate would be $850 per person if four delegates share a room.

b. Andy Tellijohn moved to reimburse attendees $600 for four delegates. (amended from unlimited delegates). Sarah Bauer seconded.
Motion passed: 10 (yes) – 0 (no)

V. Amanda Theisen asked what our status is for contributing money to college chapters to send delegates.

a. Past participants got $300 per chapter to divide among delegates. Required to stay in conference hotel, attend events, sign waiver. Total reimbursement is up to $1500. Last year only three chapters applied and were approved.

b. Jane Kirtley made moved to pay $300 per chapter up to $1500 with requirements. Sarah Bauer seconded.
Motion passed: 10 (yes) – 0 (no)

VI. Votes taken via email since last board meeting:

a.    Amanda Theisen introduced and Jane Kirtley seconded a motion to pay for the banquet meals of the scholarship recipients.
a.    The motion passed with a vote of 9 yes votes to zero no votes.
b.    Sarah Bauer introduced and Nicole Garrison-Sprenger seconded a motion to raise the price of a Page One ticket for the 2009 banquet by $5 to $40 for member and $50 for non-members.
a.    The motion passed with a vote of 9 yes votes to one no vote.

The meeting adjourned on a motion by Garrison?Sprenger, seconded by Bauer.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Achen, secretary
July 2, 2009