Meeting Minutes for Aug. 11, 2009

Society of Professional Journalists
Minnesota Pro Chapter
Chapter Meeting
August 11, 2009
Thisweek Newspaper, Burnsville, MN
Board members present: Scott Theisen, president; Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, past-president; Amanda Theisen, treasurer; Jeff Achen, secretary; Sarah McKenzie, Alyssa Ford directors.

Absent: Sarah Baue, president-elect; Joan Gilbertson; Karen Lundegaard; Justin Piehowski, directors; Jane Kirtley, Art Hughes.

I. Reports

II. Discussion of Page One Banquet. We are missing some payments. Nicole Garrison-Sprenger and Alyssa Ford will contact those who have not yet paid.

III. National Convention discussion:

a. Scott Theisen, Amanda Theisen, Sarah Bauer and Justin Piehowski plan to attend. MN SPJ will reimburse up to $2,400 for the four to attend the National Convention.

b. The five student chapters of SPJ have been notified of the $300 available to reimburse student convention expenses. So far, we have received only one application from a Mankato State University student.

IV. Committee Assignments:

a. Programming – Alyssa Ford & Sarah McKenzie, co-chairs; Amanda Theisen, Jeff Achen members. Karen Lundegaard was suggested as an additional member.

b. Finance/Fundraising – Amanda Theisen, chair; Joan Gilbertson, Scott Theisen, Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, members.

c. Membership – Sarah Bauer, chair; Scott Theisen, Art Hughes, Andy Tellijohn, members.

d. FOI – Jane Kirtley, chair; Art Hughes, member

e. Page One Contest/Judging – Sarah Bauer, chair; Amanda Theisen, Jeff Achen, Alyssa Ford, Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, members.

f. Page One Event Planning – Joan Gilbertson, chair; Alyssa Ford, Sarah Bauer, Sarah McKenzie, members.

g. Student Chapters – Amanda Theisen, chair; Joan Gilbertson, Andy Tellijohn, members.

h. Technology – Jeff Achen, chair; Scott Theisen, Justin Piehowski, members.

g. Scott Theisen, president, created a new committee: Communications – Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, chair; Sarah McKenzie, member.

V. Discussion of upcoming programming;

a. Board discussed the idea of a “comment board controversy” panel in cooperation with the Minnesota News Council. No vote taken, but all were in favor of pursuing this.

b. Intern night should be held in Oct. No date or location secured yet, but WCCO suggested as location.

c. Other programming ideas included “Life outside the newsroom” program for journalists seeking work outside the profession, and a traveling program that would offer consulting/journalism training in the areas of video, business reporting, and social networking.

VI. Votes taken via email since last board meeting:

a. Scott Theisen introduced and Joan Gilbertson seconded a motion to vote on spending up to $100 (combined cost of basket, items and shipping) to donate to the auction at the national convention to benefit the Terry Harper memorial fund.
b. The motion passed with a vote of 9 yes votes to zero no votes.

The meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Achen, secretary
Aug. 12, 2009