Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Society of Professional Journalists
Minnesota Pro Chapter
Chapter Meeting
Date: Nov. 17, 2009
Location: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Board members present: Scott Theisen, president; Jeff Achen, secretary; Sarah Bauer, president-elect; Amanda Theisen, treasurer; Sarah McKenzie, , Andy Tellijohn, Art Hughes, Karen Lundegaard, and Justin Piehowski, directors
Absent: Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, past-president; Jane Kirtley, Joan Gilbertson, Alyssa Ford directors.
I. Treasurer’s Report
– Total: $29,690.20
– Deposits: $285.00
– Pending deposits: $100.00
– Charges: $32.00
II. Legal Update
– The mediation in Sela v. Pulse of the Twin Cities on Nov. 3 was unsuccessful. It appears that the libel suit will be heading towards a motion for summary judgment. We will draft a short amicus brief on behalf of SPJ on the issue of single publication and the statute of limitations. (from John Borger)
I don’t see us getting involved with malice or truth… we don’t need to take sides.
Cost? At most, a couple hundred dollars.
Sarah Bauer discussed possibility of bringing in a volunteer law student to help with research, writing on this issue. John Borger mentioned bringing in journalism students to work with the law students and create a project.
III. Camera in the courts update from Jane Kirtley:
IV. Programs
– Medical Examiner’s office tours. From email from Alyssa Ford: “The medical examiner is willing to offer a journalists-only tour on Wednesday December 2, Monday December 7, or Wednesday, December 9; the time for all three would be 2:30 p.m. He would limit the number of participants to 12. The tour would last approximately 1 hour, depending on the number of questions.??He said that he recently offered the same tour during a live auction for the Innocence Project, and it garnered two bids, both for $650, so he said we could use it the 12 slots as a fundraiser, or we could just offer it to the first 12 dues-paying members who sign up.??Either way, I told him I would get back with him tomorrow with what date we want.
Program/tour possible date: Dec. 9, 2009
– Diversity training on GLBT issues?
“I have been in contact with the editor of Lavender and the editor of Minnesota Monthly about doing a GLBT diversity training. Thursday, December 10 seems to work well for both of them, and they are both pretty pumped about the idea. The Rondo library community room is available that date as well, but I haven’t made any promises to anyone or booked anything….” – Alyssa Ford
– Holiday Party on Dec. 10, 2009 or Dec. 18, 2009
Sarah Bauer moved, Amanda Theisen seconded spending up to $500 for the holiday party. Motion passes 9-0.
– Chris Hedges program failed to win the grant. He’s willing to come for cost. The U of M is interested in bringing him to campus. Back to programming committee.
– Three day workshop/training. Back to programming committee.
– Midwest Journalism Conference, April 16-17. To be discussed at mid-January programming committee.
– Newspapers aren’t dead program? Smaller, outstate newspapers doing well and thriving. Back to committee.
V. Page One
– Deadlines for entries in February.
– Categories need revision.
– To be discussed in committee.
VII. Other Business
No online actions have been taken via email since last board meeting.
Next meeting set for January 5, 2010 at the Minnesota New Council (tentative)
The meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Achen, Secretary
Date: 12.08.09