Meeting Minutes for October 21, 2010

Society of Professional Journalists Minnesota Pro Chapter
Board Meeting

Date: October 21, 2010
Location: Lariat Lanes
6320 Penn Ave. S., Minneapolis

Board Members present: Pres. Sarah Bauer, Pres.-Elect Alyssa Ford, Treas. Amanda Theisen, Secretary Art Hughes, Justin Piehowski, Anna Pratt, TaLeiza Calloway, Scott Theisen.

I. Treasurer’s Report

II. NBNA meeting debrief – J Piehowski

The previous NBNA meeting including brainstorming about the upcoming Regional Conference. Some of the ideas floated include hosting a Social Media Breakfast Friday morning of the convention.

SPJ is responsible for organizing the MOE luncheon, including speaker. IBS is considering sponsoring the MOE.

Other ideas include ‘dynamic content publishing’ seminar. Also a session on how money in journalism works, followed by a session on ethics.

III. Ethics week – S. Bauer

SPJ will co-sponsor ethics lecture April 4 with Silha Center. SPJ will split costs of lodging for the speaker.

IV. Newsletter

C. Newmeister agreed to be editor for online newsletter. Writers submit copy to him by Sunday night (?).

V. Website

J. Piehowski agreed to update the MnSPJ website. Members should get their preferred profile pic to him.


Members are encouraged to think about possible speakers for Page One to get a jump on the process.

Members should consider possible changes to the scholarship application for the future.

The SPJ Holiday Party is scheduled Dec 10, possibly at the home of Alyssa Ford.

Next meeting is Nov. 16 at BringMeTheNews, 110 N. 5th St. Minneapolis